Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NIV) I am a Christian a Husband, a Father, and of course a Marathon runner. What more could anyone ask?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Six miles and I am dead

Well it was hot, the first day of actual heat and a bit humid I might add. So How do I celebrate this auspicious occasion, Yup I go for a run. Not real far just six miles. I load up the camel pack drop a GU and I am gone. I have to say I felt it right from the start It was hot. It was slow going legs were just not in it, pulse hovered around 188 and water did not last long. I probably walked a good quarter of it and 1 and half hours for six miles was just way to slow. But it was 105 degrees and humid and my first run in the heat so finishing was the goal and that goal was met. These will only get harder but running in the heat is my forte and I will only get more accustomed to it as time goes by and I will remember that I love to run in the summer and embrace it once more. Oh I also lost my credit card, It fell out of my camel pack, oh well, I canceled it and ordered a new one. Nothing to get upset about.

Also as I said before Football has started and my new freshman is well into it. I am again a proud football dad.

OK everyone be safe


Monday, June 14, 2010

Thre days off

And I didn't do a dang thing. I had all these grandiose plans of running and going to the gym and so one. Well all I ended up doing was sitting two warm afternoons at Buffalo Wild Wings drinking beer and eating wings oh well so much for grand plans.

I do have runs planned for the very near future IE. tomorrow, so I bet it will be windy and Like I said before I hate it. So on the home side football practice started today for my new freshman. Any of you who will have sons playing High School ball or any football for that matter let me tell you it is a family commitment Pop Warner which both of my boys played for many years starts in Late July. They practice everyday for the first month then three days a week when games start with games on Saturdays. With the season lasting until late Nov. Now High School they have "non Mandatory" practice all summer with the mandatory practice when school starts, plus football camp in July... Well Like I said it is a commitment. But I absolutely love it and so do they.

Well like I said nothing really going on, call load has been slow so work days have been slow. Just watching each day turn into the next

Until next time peeps

be safe


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

OK People I have to live in this fucking state

Things are going way to far, First we pass SB1070 or I should say our Gov. Signed. I have made my opinion on this matter quite clear. So again I will say I am both for and against this bill for reasons I have already stated. But I will again say that this whole thing is the fault of the Federal Govt not doing its job and our illusterouis president spouting off at the mouth over matters he has not attempted to understand. So first 1070 then our Govenor signs a bill stopping all ethnic studies, so no African Studies, no Mexican studies etc. in Public Schools. Now a Mural painted by school children of children as raised all kinds of heated contraversy. Appearantly as this mural was being painted again by school children (the perdominent child is painted with brown skin) Seen here as they were painting it they were yelled at and heckled by drivers passing it adult drivers. Now some idiot city council man chimes in some racist remark and we again have nationwide attention as being racist and frankly I am begining to believe it. While I am not nor would I ever be racist. It is becoming embarresing to live here and to be associatted with it. Everyone thinks Arizona is racist, Bands are canceling concerts (I will say I dont care no bands I like have canceled and those that have are only pissing off there fan base) tourism is suffering and so on. For the most part people Arizona is a great state run by idiots so give us a chance....

No running today I am working so more on that later..

besafe and dont hate


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Running in the wind

Let me just come right out and say I hate running in the wind. I mean I really hate it, I will run in 120 degree days or thirty degree days, I will run in rain, on rocks, in sand or whatever else they throw at me, except wind. I I see it blowing on my way home from work I am immediately pissed cussing about it, denying its validity as something that is remotely important or if it serves any purpose at all. Every time the wind blows I am positive it is blowing with the sole purpose to piss me off and ruin my run. It is truly one of the only things that Will keep me in. Now I am not talking about breezes but real wind I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT. OK now I have that off my chest, Yesterdays run sucked giant ass, First the Under armor shoes from my last post sucked. They will be great for walking around and mowing the grass but for running well not for me. Lots of unnecessary pain so into the reject pile they go. Brooks are still the one for me. It was only a 4 mile run with hills and a bit of speed work, but the stupid wind made the whole thing just shitty from the start. The heat is really kicking in and that did not make for the best of days either since I thought I am only going a few miles who needs a camel pack. Well as it turns out I did so that made it suck even worse. But in the end I finished it it was happy when it was done and had no desire to go farther.

It really is time to start putting out some serious distance so I am planning on at least 8 or 10 in the next few days.
On a home note My son got a new job, he found out the gym will not be reopening which pissed him off because he was able to work out at work but he still makes it to Snap everyday so he is happy. he will be busing tables at a local restaurant and will actually be making more money, so it all works out. he has been advised that it better not interfere with his college grades. But I am just happy to not have to pay for his dates.

Nothing else to report a slow day at work actually three days at work as I am beginning another 72.... oh the life of a firefighter

be safe all

A little humor for you
Friendship is like peeing on yourself: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Up on my soap box And some running news

Deadliest Catch My tirade today will focus on this stupid show. Do I watch it? Not anymore so before you ask, there you go. First let me tell you why, then I will go each of the so called leaders one by one and enlighten you all on why they are idiots. So here we go.....

I for the life of me cannot understand why people decide to take the worst of our society and make then hero's. Now lets be honest all they worship on this show are the uneducated morons of the world who happen to do a job that is a bit dangerous. They are by there own admission, Chain smokers, Alcoholics, and users of sensory enhancing drugs. I also do not believe for a second that they actually stay awake for 3 days at that pace with only the use of coffee and red bull. I guarantee there are other substances on those boats. But we as Americans just love this group of idiots and keep tuning in. Now onto each one

I will place then from best to worse in my opinion.

The Wizard: Capt Keith
Now this guy is obviously an idiot, with his superstitious bullshit, I really do not understand how he gets anything accomplished. But he truly is the least of all these idiots

The Kodiak: Capt. Bill Wichrowski
This guy I guess is new to the show so I don't really have anything to say about him other than the fact that he seems stupid.

Cornelia Marie: Capt Phil Harris
Now not to speak ill of the dead, I will say he would not be dead if the idiot would have quit smoking and at least attempted some sort of a healthy lifestyle, Now there or those idiots that will say stupid things like he died doing what he loved. Well my answer to them is he died. He could still be alive doing what he love with a few simple changes. But will say say he seemed the most fair and actually seemed to care about his crew even those not his sons. I however would hope my sons would want better for themselves instead of ending up on a crab boat spending the off season trying to get laid by harping on a somewhat dangerous job.

Time Bandit: Capts. Jonathan/Andy Hillstrand
Now these are some true white trash morons, I cannot begin to explain How stupid I feel they are. Then they bring there son/nephew on the boat just to ruin his life. I get really pissed off when he talks about how much he misses his kid. If that were the case work one season get money for college get an education and get a real job.

The Northwestern Capt Sig Hansen
OK this guy only cares about money and he would sacrifice every single person on that boat for and additional seven dollars. Everyone is just supposed to suck it up except for him. I cannot tell who the bigger idiots are the capt or the crew for not throwing his stupid ass overboard. The one a truly cant stand is the new kid I am positive if he was told to go into the Captains area and suck his dick the only thing that would slow him down would be the application of Chapstick/.

Now I realize that people like seafood and this is a necessary job and I am actually glad they do it, that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about that how we as a people idolize idiots because they are on TV, all of them are advertisements on what we should not do. From the chain smoking extremely unhealthy lifestyles. It is all insane to me.

Off my soap box

On to running news. my wife took a chance yesterday and bought me a new pair of running shoes and I first must tell you they are the ugliest shoes I have ever seen Bright yellow on white and black. You can see me coming now as for the other stuff They are Underarmorand were bought at an extremely reduced rate. You are wondering why I even mention, well from the first second I put them on I was in love, they are perfect, A wonderful high arch, large front with toe room, Insoles mirrored ASICSwith the exception of the High arch. Just perfect. I actually cannot wait to go for a run tomorrow. As for the new Brooks well I am still happy with them but I don't know about there future, tomorrow will be the big test. Got in a awesome five miles yesterday with my son. We ran to the gym then my wife meets us there for a workout, I love those days. By the way I am trying to find one more Marathon this year maybe around Aug. if anyone has any ideas let me know.

OK all that will cover it for today

everyone be safe


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Looks like it is back up

I often see on other blogs of all the troubles with Blogger but honestly this was my first time. I did consider making the move to wordpress or one of the other weblog site, but laziness prevailed and here we are again, a working blogger and a few good stories to tell. First the sad news I have to report the passing of a fire Capt. he did not work for my department but for one very close by who we run calls with everyday. I had actually ran a call with him the shift before he died. He died in his sleep at work after returning from a call and was found by his crew a few hours later when he did not report to the engine for another call. So rest in peace David you will be missed.

Happy notes My son has officially Graduated High School. It should be noted that he has also been attending college course during his senior year. So to say we are proud is an understatement. He is enrolled as a college freshman and still plans on attending the The Platoon Leaders Class and getting a commission in the Marine Corps we were out for a run yesterday morning and discussed this and I cannot talk him out of the Infantry. he is just not interested in becoming an aviator. So on that his first semester is paid for and his books are ordered. Oh for those of you are either going to college or have kids going to college I would like to suggest Chegg, You can rent books for maybe a quarter of the price for used ones in the book store. It has already saved me alot of money. Now they do have some problems for instance one of his classes is music appreciation and the book comes with 2 cd with music on them I guess to "appreciate" and they state they cannot guarantee the Cd's will be there. So for that we will be going through Amazon or Ebay either one has good buys. For graduation we have bought him a new laptop we let him pick it out and add a few programs to it so all is well with my oldest.

My daughter will be starting her Junior year and is excited. She has decided to run cross country as well as track this year, She will also be running a half marathon with me next year, she just has not decided which one. I should have mentioned that My oldest son will be running the Disneyland Half Marathon with me this year, So maybe next year I will have two kids with me, If only I could talk my wife into it. That
would be great.

My youngest sons summer plans includes of course Football Camp and getting his tonsils out. We will be attending his 8th grade graduation tomorrow night and again we will say we are very proud. One funny story about football. The High School has had a couple of little one day mini camps for incoming Freshman. Well we went to pick him up and he was standing there with a few of his eighth grade friends trying very hard to look tough but obviously very much afraid to be standing around this high school campus. I told my wife if a car would have back fired all of those boys would have scattered...... I guess you had to be there, I thought is was funny. But anyway he is excited about camp and freshman ball. I did fell pretty bad when my daughter pointed out that I don't get as excited about her track as I do about the boys football. But i reminded her I have never missed a track meet and reminded her that she told me I embarrass her by yelling to loud so I took care of that. His other summer plans include probably getting his tonsils out but we are not sure of that yet.I just told me wife, "let get it done early so we don't interfere with football" hmmm maybe my daughter is onto something. Vacations this summer, well nothing actually planned a few trips to Disneyland but nothing big. We already took an eight day cruise during spring break so that should suffice....

More to report soonest

be safe
