And I didn't do a dang thing. I had all these grandiose plans of running and going to the gym and so one. Well all I ended up doing was sitting two warm afternoons at Buffalo Wild Wings drinking beer and eating wings oh well so much for grand plans.
I do have runs planned for the very near future IE. tomorrow, so I bet it will be windy and Like I said before I hate it. So on the home side football practice started today for my new freshman. Any of you who will have sons playing High School ball or any football for that matter let me tell you it is a family commitment Pop Warner which both of my boys played for many years starts in Late July. They practice everyday for the first month then three days a week when games start with games on Saturdays. With the season lasting until late Nov. Now High School they have "non Mandatory" practice all summer with the mandatory practice when school starts, plus football camp in July... Well Like I said it is a commitment. But I absolutely love it and so do they.
Well like I said nothing really going on, call load has been slow so work days have been slow. Just watching each day turn into the next
Until next time peeps
be safe
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