I often see on other blogs of all the troubles with Blogger but honestly this was my first time. I did consider making the move to wordpress or one of the other weblog site, but laziness prevailed and here we are again, a working blogger and a few good stories to tell. First the sad news I have to report the passing of a fire Capt. he did not work for my department but for one very close by who we run calls with everyday. I had actually ran a call with him the shift before he died. He died in his sleep at work after returning from a call and was found by his crew a few hours later when he did not report to the engine for another call. So rest in peace David you will be missed.
Happy notes My son has officially Graduated High School. It should be noted that he has also been attending college course during his senior year. So to say we are proud is an understatement. He is enrolled as a college freshman and still plans on attending the The Platoon Leaders Class and getting a commission in the Marine Corps we were out for a run yesterday morning and discussed this and I cannot talk him out of the Infantry. he is just not interested in becoming an aviator. So on that his first semester is paid for and his books are ordered. Oh for those of you are either going to college or have kids going to college I would like to suggest Chegg, You can rent books for maybe a quarter of the price for used ones in the book store. It has already saved me alot of money. Now they do have some problems for instance one of his classes is music appreciation and the book comes with 2 cd with music on them I guess to "appreciate" and they state they cannot guarantee the Cd's will be there. So for that we will be going through Amazon or Ebay either one has good buys. For graduation we have bought him a new laptop we let him pick it out and add a few programs to it so all is well with my oldest.
My daughter will be starting her Junior year and is excited. She has decided to run cross country as well as track this year, She will also be running a half marathon with me next year, she just has not decided which one. I should have mentioned that My oldest son will be running the Disneyland Half Marathon with me this year, So maybe next year I will have two kids with me, If only I could talk my wife into it. That
would be great.
My youngest sons summer plans includes of course Football Camp and getting his tonsils out. We will be attending his 8th grade graduation tomorrow night and again we will say we are very proud. One funny story about football. The High School has had a couple of little one day mini camps for incoming Freshman. Well we went to pick him up and he was standing there with a few of his eighth grade friends trying very hard to look tough but obviously very much afraid to be standing around this high school campus. I told my wife if a car would have back fired all of those boys would have scattered...... I guess you had to be there, I thought is was funny. But anyway he is excited about camp and freshman ball. I did fell pretty bad when my daughter pointed out that I don't get as excited about her track as I do about the boys football. But i reminded her I have never missed a track meet and reminded her that she told me I embarrass her by yelling to loud so I took care of that. His other summer plans include probably getting his tonsils out but we are not sure of that yet.I just told me wife, "let get it done early so we don't interfere with football" hmmm maybe my daughter is onto something. Vacations this summer, well nothing actually planned a few trips to Disneyland but nothing big. We already took an eight day cruise during spring break so that should suffice....
More to report soonest
be safe
Happy notes My son has officially Graduated High School. It should be noted that he has also been attending college course during his senior year. So to say we are proud is an understatement. He is enrolled as a college freshman and still plans on attending the The Platoon Leaders Class and getting a commission in the Marine Corps we were out for a run yesterday morning and discussed this and I cannot talk him out of the Infantry. he is just not interested in becoming an aviator. So on that his first semester is paid for and his books are ordered. Oh for those of you are either going to college or have kids going to college I would like to suggest Chegg, You can rent books for maybe a quarter of the price for used ones in the book store. It has already saved me alot of money. Now they do have some problems for instance one of his classes is music appreciation and the book comes with 2 cd with music on them I guess to "appreciate" and they state they cannot guarantee the Cd's will be there. So for that we will be going through Amazon or Ebay either one has good buys. For graduation we have bought him a new laptop we let him pick it out and add a few programs to it so all is well with my oldest.
My daughter will be starting her Junior year and is excited. She has decided to run cross country as well as track this year, She will also be running a half marathon with me next year, she just has not decided which one. I should have mentioned that My oldest son will be running the Disneyland Half Marathon with me this year, So maybe next year I will have two kids with me, If only I could talk my wife into it. That
would be great.
My youngest sons summer plans includes of course Football Camp and getting his tonsils out. We will be attending his 8th grade graduation tomorrow night and again we will say we are very proud. One funny story about football. The High School has had a couple of little one day mini camps for incoming Freshman. Well we went to pick him up and he was standing there with a few of his eighth grade friends trying very hard to look tough but obviously very much afraid to be standing around this high school campus. I told my wife if a car would have back fired all of those boys would have scattered...... I guess you had to be there, I thought is was funny. But anyway he is excited about camp and freshman ball. I did fell pretty bad when my daughter pointed out that I don't get as excited about her track as I do about the boys football. But i reminded her I have never missed a track meet and reminded her that she told me I embarrass her by yelling to loud so I took care of that. His other summer plans include probably getting his tonsils out but we are not sure of that yet.I just told me wife, "let get it done early so we don't interfere with football" hmmm maybe my daughter is onto something. Vacations this summer, well nothing actually planned a few trips to Disneyland but nothing big. We already took an eight day cruise during spring break so that should suffice....
More to report soonest
be safe
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