Is it inly me or does there not seem to be alot of Christmas Cheer this year. I don;t know what it is but it does not seem very Christmasy. I have pointed out to my wife and others that even the stores did not seem to go all out like the used to. Any one have any theories, I do and of course I will tell you after all why would I be writing this. First, Could it be the anti religous people who donlt want anyone celebrating anything and our offended by any remotely having to do with Christmas and the birth of our lord. Yes. Could it be that the stores are afraid of these people for some reason and that is why at alot of them they are not aloud to return a Merry Christmas. Yes. Could it be the economy and alot of people are losing alot of money and really can't afford a Christmas. Yes. Al of these are more than likely answers. I am sorry for all of these people especially those effected by the economy. I really do hope you can have some kind of a Merry Christmas and hoepfully a better next year. As for the people who don't want religon in stores or Christmas I say what the hell do you care anyway you don't beleive and therefore should not be celebratging the Holiday so shut the fuck up just because you live a miserable existance donlt bring your hatred near the holidays.
On to something else gas prices have dropped but airline Tickets have not and they are still charging for extra bags. Why is that, I thought it was to offset the price of fuel now what is there excuse. can anyone answer that.
More soon
Christmas Quote:
Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree." ~ Charlotte Carpenter.
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