As some of you know I ran for a charity,The International Association of Firefighters burn foundation a worthy cause but I am not sure I would do it again. I am not knocking it I just really did not like asking for money. I do think they are great hell my Dad is a TNT (Team in Training) alumnist and coach he is a coaching for PF Changs marathon this year so I am for charities. Now on to the race report. First it was cold 40 some odd degrees at the start (being from AZ cold for me). Alot of the usual festivities that you see at these things. However this being my first "full" marathon I took it all in. The race started and passing under those arches was definetly an experience I will never forget. One issue I did have was with Brooks. They were advertising a "VIP" porto john with running water flushing toilets and exhaust fans if you were wearing Brooks shoes or Brooks MCM running appearal. I did need some new shorts so I figured this was a good time. Well race day came and we never found the so called VIP porto john. I did here later there was only one way in the back of the starting area with even longer lines and clogged toilets so I am glad I needed the shorts otherwise I would have been pissed. SO as I was saying the race began. If I had to compare this to any run it would have been terrible, I was having a heck of a time getting into the run nothing was working not music nothing. My knee hurt and I ran the worst half I have ever ran at nearly 2 hrs 30 min and as you can tell by my finish time it never got any better. But I was there to finish. I believe it was all due to lack of sleep, climate and time difference and nervousness. I am not complaining and truly do feel I will come back next year with a vengance. The course was beautiful from tree lined forest areas to downtown and monuments. Always something to look at. I did not care for the half way point as we ran through a golf course. No real issues just boring. Also this race has quite a few hills it seems like you are always going up. Man this seems like I am complaining but I am really not I am just letting you know how it was. The race support was awesome, I am telling you the Marine Corps must raid The Basic School with all the 2nd Lt's out there but they were awesome. Supportive and caring. Lik I said we will be back next year and I can't wait. But for now I have another half on the 15th I have not made a decision about PF Changs yet the half or the full. But that happens in Jan. Then the Ragnar realay in Feb. Of course there is San Diego In June so some Busy times ahead. More soon so until then
Be safe
There is no chin behind Chuck Norris' beard. There is only another fist.
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