I just wantedto let you know I have alot to tlak about but blogger has not worked correctly for days. So please be patient...
- What makes me great
- Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NIV) I am a Christian a Husband, a Father, and of course a Marathon runner. What more could anyone ask?
Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
This ain't so great

As none of you may know I recently turned 40, A milestone by all rights but for me it really was not such a big deal. I will say in my younger days 40 was old. I can only imagine what my kids think as I am sure in there eyes 40 is old. Well let me tell you about some of my 40th years plans. We will be conceiving a baby this year (yes I know making them is half the fun but I'm 40 and I have to work tomorrow so let me sleep) I will be running at least 2 Marathons and at least one run and further then 26.2 miles. I will be cleaning the garage. I have already hired people to mow the grass so that is out. Although we do have a very nice garden. So yeah maybe not a whole lot. Less then some of you But more than most people. A few things I have noticed in this short time of being forty and granted maybe most of this is in my head but it seems harder and harder to lose any kind of weight, Running calls in the middle of the night it seems harder to get up. Beer taste much better, but the after effects of two many seem to last much longer. And after gym time or extended runs the "soreness" last much much longer. As I keep hearing from those older (they are getting fewer and fewer by the way) it just gets worse, CRAP!! Oh speaking of that (crap I mean) all is well in both quantity and quality so at least I have that.....
Until next time
be safe
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Days keep happening

Well I am back to work after over two weeks off and I have to say this sucks. I really need to concentrate on my second career choice as a lottery winner, I really believe I would be good at it. As for work, well I came back to the exact same bullshit I left. I dont know why I expected something different I just did. let me just say If the pwers that be would just leave us the fuck alone and let us do our jobs wether if it is on a call or work around the station all would be well.
Nothing really happening anywhere, my wife and I have been doing alot of yard work and gardening. it is something we both really enjoy doing. It may be that we just enjoy being together which is pretty cool cause we have been married for almost 19 years and we still enjoys being around each other, we have our moments but who doesn't. With that another boring entry comes to conclusion. I wish I had more but I guess no news is good news.
Be safe
Thursday, May 6, 2010
OK Seriously What the fuck!!!

Several What the fuck issues today so hang on to yourself cause here we go......
First the Air Conditioner in my house took a huge dump on Mon, luckily it is not to hot yet
so the house was at least bearable for the last couple of days and It was finally fixed this morn. the WTF moment here is I have this serviced regularly, you would think they would see that the compressor is looking bad ans needs to be replaced. My wife is convinced last time they came out they put some kind of timer to break it, the conspiracy theory queen. So 300 dollars later we have air, on a god note the parts were covered under warranty so I only had to pay for labor, three hundred dollars worth of labor, 1 hour of labor to be exact.
Second WTF moment of the last few days, I went to the Verizon store yesterday to make some inquiries about the Droid, a neat phone does alot of cool stuff, definitely comparable with IPhone. the part that pissed me of was you have to buy unlimited Internet time with it, to the tune of 30 dollars per month per phone. Now why does this piss me off, well the stupid thing has WIFI so you can get on the Internet anywhere there is a WIFI for free. When I asked about this I was told the WIFI is for use when you have a bad phone connection, Its fucking Verizon people they do not have bad connections. This is just another bullshit opportunity to make money. they know no one would use the Phone Internet with WIFI so they are going to make money by forcing us to pay. Well I have answered then with fervor in saying stick the droid and all other smart phones up your collective asses.
Next and This pissed me off the most. Yesterday as we all know was the 5th of May, I will not say it in Spanish because I do not live in Mexico. Now for those of you who don't know the Fifth of May is commonly thought of as Mexican independence day (sadly if you ask most Mexicans they will tell you the same) well it is not. It is to celebrate the Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. While the French did try to take over it is far from it, The real Mexican Independence day is Sept 16th when Mexico fought for and won its independence from Spain. OK enough with the history lesson the real reason for this last WTF is to tell you about an Article I just read about five kids in a Southern California school who were sent home for wearing shirts with the American flag on them on the Fifth of May yet those with Mexican flagged shirts were allowed to stay. What else can I say except What The Fuck is happening to this country.
OK enough about that. Running has been going well the new Brooks are good but now real mile on them yet only one 4.5 mile quickie. That will be changing soon though I am planning a 8 miler in the next few day and I will of course let you know how that goes.
I am sorry for all the negativity in this post but hey they all cant be great. Until next time all
be safe
Monday, May 3, 2010
I just don't understand what these people are thinking
I am sure the subject of immigration is the most blogged about subject this month. I have made my feeling clear on it. I will add to that in saying I feel 99.9% are here to work and do not cause any problems. My issue is my status as a Christian Man. Now let me start this by saying I am a Heavy Metal fan, when not listening to that I listen to Christian radio and this is where I find my problem. I listen to these Christian talk shows and I have to say these folks truly do not understand what being a Christian is all about, as I listen to them demand deportation, demand that we stop taking care of people, demand that we do not love and help our fellow man. Like I said they do not understand. The scary part is they have large amounts of followers who believe this dribble. Like it or not the only people who seem to want to help are Catholic Priest. Yes I know they Catholic Church has a sorted past but most are good men and women But I have to quote the Angels and Demons Movie when at the end the Cardinal said "Religion is flawed because men are flawed including this one" So if any of you read this. Love your fellow man or do claim to be Christian.
Be safe
Be safe
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I have seen the light, Maybe
Yes folks I have made a transformation, I think I have seen the light and I have changed. I switched to Brooks, Glycerin 8 to be specific, I have 2 runs on the shoes and I have to says without a doubt they are OK. Yup that is about it. After many years of Asics Nimbus of varying numbers. Now for those of you who run know this is kind of a big deal, But I kept getting this fot numbness that I could not explain and switching shoes was the only option left without going to the Dr. But it still may come to that, After my 4.5 today it came back although not near as bad. So I guess time will tell. Official Training for the Official training plan began today for Chicago and Marine Corps Marathons today, for those interested I am using the Furman institute of running FIRST program. It is pretty intense. That is why I need to train to be ready to train, but I am determined to break the 4 hour 30 min mark this year.
So until something happens you all be safe
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