So I'm sitting a recliner at work (we firefighters do that but you have no idea what I did this morning so don't judge) Well on the TV is that 18 kids and counting show the wedding edition. Now I am not one to judge and I am a Christian myself but WOW!!!! these are some effed up people. The girls dad actually said he would "transfer authority" to her new husband. WOW "transfer of authority". In there vows they were different his were basically be a good husband, don't use birth control and let god decide how many kids you will have hers were shorter and the "submit to his authority". Well I would have gotten up gotten my daughter and gotten the hell out of there. So what's next he smacks her around abit to insure she "submits to his authority" wow again. Now as for the wedding being there first kiss and the father giving the boy a DVD titled "Definition of normal sexual intercourse" for there wedding night STRAAAANGE. I am all for not having sex before your wedding. But these people take obscure bible passages and make them into anything you want. I found that they claim to have courted rather than dated, so I did a bit of research and you will not believe what these people think check this quote on what teens think of sex.
Sexual Pressure:
We are confronted with a massive predominance of amorality. Sexual activity among teenagers is commonplace. It remains true that it is very unlikely that a girl will get pregnant if she does not go on a date. But the practice of dating has transformed the nature of teenage sexuality.
In the US more than one million teenagers get pregnant annually.
40% end in abortion; 13% in a miscarriage.
90% of males and 80% of females are sexually active by the age of eighteen years.
One in five girls will be date- raped, but only 5% report it.
50% of teenagers think it is OK to force sex.
OK I have three teenagers two boys and a girls ranging from 17 to 13
and this is a down right lie, I know them I know there friends. I would have have to imagine if you go to the right places and ask the right people you can get any numbers you want.
Now there views on Dating VS courtship (your not gonna believe this)
1. Cultural PressureMost teenagers date because it is the thing to do. It is an established cultural norm to be followed without further question. Most parents continue to allow dating because it is the way that they did things in their day, and they believe that they survived. (But as we shall see, they probably did not survive unscathed).
The fact that "everybody does it " is not a reason for continuing to do it, but a reason for questioning it. 1 Jn 2:15-17 states, "Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world - the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."
Is dating morally neutral? Is it just an innocent cultural expression; the way we do things in the west in the present century? Or is it a product of "the world?" Jim West has defined a date as, "Any planned event involving a shared activity between a man and a woman" - one person asks the other to share in an activity, and a publicly recognizable pairing occurs. It always implies some kind of romantic interest, and both parties know this even if the date is going to a church meeting or to a Bible study. But what could be the harm in that, you may ask?
Compare this cultural norm with the one that prevailed in western civilization until the early part of this century. Ask yourself these questions: "Which is more biblical?" "Are the changes morally neutral?"
a) Previous Culture:
In earlier times, all courtship included rigid supervision and protection of the female. It was built on the premise of family introductions, and the focus was on the father's role in establishing a new family, hence the question in the marriage ceremony, "Who gives this woman away?"
b) Present Culture:
In our day, dating arrangements are made entirely by young people apart from parental involvement. The date is planned by young people with a known expectation of physical intimacy. All that is unknown is its degree, or the speed of its intensification. A woman is left very vulnerable. Without her father's protection, she alone must determine the degree of sexual intimacy, and that in the heat of the moment. Furthermore, there is no commitment beyond the next date; relationships (and thus marriage) are initiated out of a romantic attraction.
When the two alternative cultures are compared with a biblical model there is no question which is the more acceptable.
Can you believe that crap, so apparently is a girl goes on a date she is to stupid and morally weak to keep from having sex. Ha tell that to my wife when we were dating or to my daughter now I can guarantee someone is getting a shot in the nuts.... This is one of the reasons I am against home schooling no social interaction another blog I just cant stop reading this woman talks about how her son was having problems interacting in school and bible study etc. So she decides to home school the lot of them. Now to me this is completely backwards.The kids who will be adults one day have no idea how to deal with pressures and real situations that will happen in life. They cant live with mommy and daddy forever.....or can they
I know I should just quit watching the stupid show but it is like a car wreck people I just cant look away.
My next rant will be on the ideals they have on birth control and the quiverful movement
Daily Quote:
Sex on television can't hurt you unless you fall off. ~Author Unknown