Well no run today at least not yet. They day srtarted pretty early. I got home from work around 8 had to take oldest son to get football pads from school, Then had to pick up his laptop from school, then had to take him to other school (he may be changing high schools the catholic private school is really starting to piss me off) then home to mow grass and now have to get dog to vet at 3 only to come home to take youngest meeting foe pop warner, Then he starts practice tomorrow. Things will be crazy but this is the life I have chosen. In the mean time I hope to get in an evening run which I hate.
be careful out there everyone I will let you know how the run went or if the run went. Shit I have to half marathons and a marathon coming very soon I better get with the program.
Keep running
Daily Quote:
pressure is nothing more than the shadow of great opportunity." - Michael Johnson