Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NIV) I am a Christian a Husband, a Father, and of course a Marathon runner. What more could anyone ask?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Its true friends its all true. This small patch represents the hardest year of my life. I now wear it proudly on my right shoulder of my uniform shirt. I will adnit I am scared to death. I will be advising from time to time of how this whole thing is going.

So nothing else new around here our the weather has cooled finally, I got in a great 12 mile run yesterday and I am well on my way to the Goofy Chellenge in Jan. For those of you who do not know I will be running a half marathon on Sat Jan 7 and a full on Jan 8th. all the details can be found            so all the training for that will be the begining of most of these entries. Well I no longer have excuses for not keep this blog up, so keep returning for hopefully regular updates.
Maybe I need to add some sort of niche to it I dont know maybe I can be the first guy to cook through some cook book and regail both of you with what could only be hillarious results.

Oh hell I dont know so stay tuned I will be back

be safe all

more soon


Thursday, March 31, 2011

WTF Blogger

Blogger has been fucked up for sometime now, I have not been able to post a pics in months... oh well I will keep trying.
So nothing new here. Medic school trudges on and now we are performing our ride time and clinicals, which basically means we are on the street with preceptor Paramedics acyually performing the tasks that we have learned. Fun but at the same time stressful. Actually giving someone meds that could literally save there life and on the other hand kill them causes my forehead to sweat just a bit. But alas we are almost done only 4 more months and I can rest.
I have not been running much, just no time. But that changes Aug 1st. I have decided to again sit out the Marine Corps Marathon. Just no time to train. However I have signed up for the Disneyworld Marathon which is not until Jan so plenty of time to prepare, Well actually I have signed up for the goofy challenge. The Goofy race and a half challenege is A Half Marathon on Sat then the Full on Sun..... Not to bright I know but hey it motivates me to go out and run. So until something new happens or I find time to write, Be safe


Friday, January 28, 2011

Epi, Shock, Lido, Epi, Shock, Lido, Epi, Shock, Lido

And that is what I have learned.....Well a bit more than that. For instance when to do that, Quite important it seems. So as you can tell I have been busy so the sporatic entries will remain. Especially since our ride and clinical time will be starting very soon. I have already told my wife and Kids goodbye and that I will see them in a couple of months. So as for things to report well a whole lot of nothing, which I like. Kids are still in school. Second semester of college for my oldest has begun and the Marine Corps OCS deal is still in the works. So stay tuned I am sure something will happen. As for now I would love to post a Pic of anything but of course stu[id blogger wont let me...

Be safe both of you


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

To my loyal reader,

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am at work but who am I to complain, this is the career path I have chosen
and who says people wont do stupid things on T-day.... Actually they already have a couple of times

So be safe and have a great day


Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorry everyone, just busy

Between medic school, family life and work I just have nit had time to keep up and this blog has suffered for it. So here we are with an update. Let us begin shal we....

Si first Paramedic school. This is easily the hardest class I have ever taken. I have 35 drugs I have to memorize everything about. The sad part is aolt of them I cannot use in this county, but the state requires that we know them which makes them testable. In the past few weeks we have learned every sytem of the human body, and by learn I mean everything about each and every system, how it does what it does, why it does what it does, and how those things effect other systems. We recently started IV's on each other so sistametic torture is now part of the class. Our last class was all lecture on airway management BORING!!!! But now we go back and learn how to intubate and all the drugs used for the the airway or to support breathing. So I have alot on my plate. I have not had a day of just sitting around watching TV in forever. But it all has to finish and in the end it will be worth it.

Like I said in my last post My son and I ran a the Disneyland Half Marathon together with plans to run the Marine Corps Marathon next year. Although I am ggoing to put in for the New York Marathon lottery for next year so we will see what will happen. Speaking of the Marine Corps that same son has his first interview with the Marine Corps OSO in a few weeks. So his path to PLC will soon begin. Ha has been working his butt off preparing for this and is already got his full 20 pullups all set and his situps. we are now working on the run which he will have no problem maxing. I would like to say I know he will make it. I know this kid and he would make a fine Marine Officer.

So how about our President. Let me just say, and this mind you is my opinion. What self respecting sitting president goes on The daily Show? and much worse the View. Especially when there are reputable news agencies out there. he is an embarresment to this country. It just proves that his only interest is in being a movie star than a leader of our country. I really hope Americans see him for what he is and he becomes a 1 term president. Enoigh on that.

ok folks enough for now everyone be safe

im an out of here!!!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

We did it

My son and I just finished our first half marathon. Well first for him a few more than that for me.
But we did it and we did it together.
Nest year my duaghter will join the mix in the half marathon bracket. She will be running the sameone with us and My saon and I will be running the 2011 Marine Corps marathon together.

Fun Fun Fun.

Paramedic is hard but I am loving it
More soon


Monday, July 5, 2010

More changes a-comin

Well i have good news and bad news. The bad first. Well I may have to cancel the Chicago Marathon. Why? you ask, well I am hoping to be in Paramedic School. It seems there is a new class coming up with Firefighter Friendly hours (That means the same class on two days so we can go on our day off) This does not happen very often so I would be crazy to give up this chance. Even if it means giving up Chicago. I will still run the Marine Corps Marathon because I have family commitments attached to that race. But to be honest that is still a bit up in the air. it all depends on how many days we can miss. That race falls on exact class day. I maybe able to work something out and only miss one day but that means returning to AZ. the day of the race and sitting in a Medic class all the next day.... I might be a bit tired. So that is it hope for the best I have wanted this for a long time....

More news as I find out until then all

be safe
